Rosemary Mitchell : Chair of Governors

Category: Foundation
Member: Chair of Governors
Link Governor: Finance / HR / Single Central Register
Term of Office : 09/06/2021 – 08/06/2025
Rosemary joined the board as an Associate Member in 2016 and then filled the vacancy for Foundation Governor in 2017. Rosemary moved to Combe Martin in 1984 with 3 small children, prior to that she had nursed in London and Yorkshire and was a Health Visitor in Calderdale. Rosemary worked with Pathfield School for 30 years through her time as a Lecturer at North Devon College (Petroc) supporting students on Health & Social Care courses and enabling them to learn from the good practice which was apparent in Pathfield School.
Rosemary has two rescue dogs, called Herbie and Arla, who are both qualified Pets as Therapy dogs and work in school with Pathfield pupils, mainly in Key Stage 2, but they are often seen around the school.
Quote from Rosemary:
I really believe that ideas are much easier to take on board if you actually use them in a practical way.