
from Headteacher, Stuart Allman
Pathfield School is a vibrant community where staff, parents and many other agencies work in partnership to ensure that every pupil receives the very best possible education and support. Our dedicated team of staff recognise that communication is at the heart of all learning and we develop individualised learning opportunities to maximise interaction. This is achieved through a stimulating environment, inspiring resources and a high level of staff training. We recognise that sometimes pupils may require additional support and we work closely with agencies such as Social Care, Physiotherapists and School Nurses to meet the needs of the individual.
Achievement and success come in many forms and our aim is to develop our pupils as rounded individuals through a balanced curriculum. The curriculum is nurturing, challenging, and inspiring; developing our pupils’ social skills and the skills required for the whole of their adult life. The curriculum is enhanced through targeted interventions such as Art Therapy and Thrive.
Please don’t hesitate to email or call us to find out more about our wonderful school.
The Governing Body aims to:
- ensure that Pathfield School works on the basis of a culture of praise and support for all, where expectations are both ambitious and challenging, developing a culture of resilience
- work closely with partner agencies, including Adult Services, Children Services and Health to ensure best possible outcomes for children and young people
- have purposive(*) interactions with all parents / carers, ensuring the collective voices of child, family and all agencies are heard
- provide the role of a dedicated Family Liaison Officer within school to facilitate the above, exploring ways to include families with pre-school children who use Portage
- ensure that the language we use in reports including the Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCPs) is accessible to all
- ensure that the curriculum is meaningful, enterprising and allows culture capital(**) for success, using our space creatively to meet needs
- embrace new ideas such as ‘Purposeful Systems’
- start the preparation for adulthood on entry to school
- meet the challenges of tight budgeting with creativity and innovation
- ensure all parties recognise that the financial health of school is their business, helping us to remain financially secure into the future.
(*) Purposive – serving or effecting a useful function, though not as a result of planning or design.
(**) Culture capital – a high level of enlightenment as a result of extensive training and exposure to learning.