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School update – Friday 3rd April 2020

Friday 3rd April 2020

Dear Parents and Carers

We are planning for partial opening after the Easter Break. However our staff numbers are drastically depleted and the provision will be very small.

Please note that all Special Schools and mainstream schools are in the same position. Please note the following statement from the headteachers of special schools across Devon.

The overarching message from Government and Local Authority is that children are safer at home; this is the best way to limit the virus.

“In our school communities we have both pupils and staff who are vulnerable to this virus and we have a duty of care to protect all. 

Our schools are no longer able to operate due to critically low staffing levels except for a small number of children whose families most need our help. The school Headteacher will contact families to have this discussion.”

I hope that you are fully supportive of this position with a clear understanding that our overriding aim is to keep the NHS working and to keep everyone safe.

Please stay indoors, take care and stay safe.
